Three Ways To Optimize Your Aesthetic Appeal In 2015

confidentThese days, many people are interested in looking great so that they can feel confident in the skin that they’re in. If this is your objective for 2015, note that there are numerous ways for you to realize the goal. Here are three simple strategies you can put in place to optimize your aesthetic appeal:

1. Enhance Your Wardrobe.

The clothes you wear have a profound impact on how good you look and feel. With that idea in mind, it’s a good idea to focus on selecting clothing items that enhance your features. One wardrobe item you should take into consideration in furs. Many people view furs as a sophisticated, subtle garment that contributes to the cultivation of an alluring look. If you’re interested in buying a fur coat or vest, consider making your purchase from a company that offers a wide selection such as ML Furs.

2. Get Your Teeth Whitened.

Another great way for you to optimize your aesthetic appeal is to get your teeth whitened. Getting your teeth whitened will dramatically improve the quality of your smile. Moreover, you can now obtain relatively cheap teeth whitening strips over the counter. If you’re willing to invest a bit more in this venture, you can have your teeth professionally whitened by a cosmetologist or dentist. Also keep in mind that beverages like tea and coffee can stain your teeth, so omitting these liquids from your diet is a natural way to keep your teeth white.

3. Start Weight Training.

If you’re serious about optimizing your aesthetic appeal, consider the value of weight training. In addition to helping you cultivate a more sculpted physique, weight training helps you lose weight or maintain your weight by increasing your metabolism so that you can burn more calories while at rest. If you’re not familiar with the world of weight training, you may want to consider the value of hiring a personal trainer to assist you. These individuals have extensive experience in the fitness industry, and they can generally cultivate a customized exercise program that is tailored to suit your personality and fitness goals.


Individuals who are interested in optimizing their physical appearance this year should note that there are numerous ways to make it happen. To get started, be sure to implement one or all of the simple tips and tricks listed above. Good luck!

August Beauty Box 5 (Review)

The “ber months” are fast approaching! Yay! I don’t know about you but I am so ready for summer to be over. It’s waaaaayyyy too hot here in Texas. The A/C in our car stopped working so driving around in mid-afternoon is a chore. You’ll be drenched in sweat but the time you arrive at your destination no matter how close that is. The heat goes up to 3 digits. So yeah, Fall season hurry up will ya?!

On the other hand, I got my new BB5 box!!! Yay! One of the things I look forward to every month is this box. Remember those shower gel samples?! I got the chance to use them. We go to my in-law’s house to swim in their pool every week. The shower gels really came in handy. Actually, I already ran out. Ha! And the lotions too. So yeah, everything in the Beauty Box 5 is useful. You may not use every single one of them right away but when time comes, you’ll be glad you got them on hand.


What is Beauty Box 5?

  • Beauty Box 5 is a subscription-based, beauty sampling program that delivers a box filled with 5 cosmetic samples to your door every month. Aimed at introducing women to new cosmetic products and educating them on best practices, Beauty Box 5 scours the market to find the best products for your lifestyle.

How to get the box?

  • Subscribing to Beauty Box 5 is really easy. You can choose  from the 3 affordable subscription plans that they have and get one that you think will work best for you. Check subscription plans here.

For my review, I got the Beauty Box 5 box for the month of August.


Here’s what’s inside!!!


Here’s what I got:

Style Essentials – Nail Polish


  • In this box, I love this the most. The color of the glitter is gorgeous. It goes well with those mint hued nail polishes. My daughter went gaga with this. She’s 3 so I was surprised. She kept on saying “Oh nice!” as I put 3 coats of this on her nails for more glitters. LOL

Nanacoco – Lip Glass


  • As a lipstick-crazy person it’s funny how I have never tried a lip glass ever. I love matte and cream lipstick. I don’t like them shimmery, sticky or super shiny. And by the name itself “lip glass” I presumed this will be super shiny, I was wrong. This has more cream texture on it. It’s shear but really pretty. Great for casual days and if you want to go for the au naturel look. I can see myself wearing this everyday, even at the gym.

Novex – Brazilian Keratin


  • My first time hearing (seeing?! LOL) this brand. My hair is as I call it “dead”, blame the constant bleaching. I am hoping this will resurrect my hair. Make it un-dead! Haha! Like a zombie?! Can’t stop giggling now. My un-dead hair! LOL We shall see. 🙂

Pur-lisse – Pur-Protect SPF 30


  • As I mentioned above, we have been swimming for almost every week now so this is PERFECT!!! Shall be using this soon and maybe will be buying more. I really don’t have a decent facial SPF cream. I use the usual sunscreen for the body and pat on my face. Yup, so ghetto. LOL

La Fresh – Travel Lite Makeup remover Wipes


  • A girl could never have enough makeup remover wipes! This is something I would happily accept in my box if they will include one in every single one of them. I have it in ALL the purses that I got. I also have them in my bathroom. Haha

This month’s box verdict:

This month’s box just made the top of my BB5 Favorite Boxes of all time. Every single item in this box will be used up pretty quick! I love it! On a scale of 1-10, 10 as the highest. This a perfect 11!

To subscribe and learn more about Beauty Box 5, visit their website at:
You can also follow them on: FacebookTwitterPinterestYouTube andInstagram


Disclosure: “Financial compensation was not received for this post. A sample product/s was gifted from Beauty Box 5. Opinions expressed here are my own.”

My July Favorites

Hello friends! How are you all doing?! As for me, well, the usual. Busy being a mommy, a workout junkie and of course being plain lazy. LOL I wish I could be lazy and just sit on my ass all day.

So updates, I have been working out a lot. One of the main reason why I haven’t been blogging lately. I just couldn’t get on my laptop at night to blog. I wake up so early. Do the daily mommy grind and then workout. By the time night comes I have exhausted all the energy I can muster that the moment my body hits the bed, I pass out. Literally.

Anyway, aside all that I still managed to discover, try and loved new things. Which of course I am going to share with you.

Here are my top favorites for the month of July: 

1. Get Ripped App



  • For people like me who cannot afford a gym trainer, a good workout app helps a lot. Get Ripped does just that. It is available on iTunes and Android. If you are looking for a good workout app, get this one.

2. The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler



  • I consider this book as my bible. Great guide and inspiration. As a newbie, I will gather all the help I could get and this book really helped me.

3. Maybelline New York Great Lash Waterproof Mascara



  • I sweat because I workout, obviously. I also cry over silly dramatic shows. So yeah, a good waterproof mascara is a must have for me. Otherwise, I’d look like a raccoon. And this my lady friends is the best. At less than $7, this will give the best bang for your buck.

4. Perrier


  • love my water. I don’t drink fancy alcoholic drinks so sometimes I splurge on my water. And man, do I love my water splurge. Perrier is extremely refreshing and just plain tasty. I know, how can water be tasty? Well, try it your self and experience what I mean. 🙂

5. Pistachios


  • I’ve had them before and I see them all the time but never really been into eating it until recently. I have learned to appreciate it. It is a great source of protein. I keeps you full because they are not easy to digest which makes it a great pre-workout meal.


There you have it. My July favorites. How about you? Anything new you liked and loved? Share it with us. Comment below!